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batch name as a text field
Posts: 27 admin
importing batches with file system import, want to use the folder name as the batch name, and have that mapped to an index field, in this case it will be a loan number. was told to create a data field called loan number, and that there was an expression for using the batch name as the loan number. in this example every file in the batch will be for the same loan, it will just be broken out by document type, but the loan number field will be the same for each document.
Best Answer
GrooperGuru Posts: 481 adminI have created an example to demonstrate how to do as you've described above. I have a folder on my computer, C:\BIS\Import which will be my primary import path into Grooper. Within that folder I have a collection of folders, and each of these folders is named using a loan number as seen below.
Each of these loan folders contains 3 dummy PDF files.
In Grooper Design Studio's Batches view, I have launched the Batch -> New From -> File System Import option. On the import configuration, I pointed the base directory to C:\BIS\Import and told Grooper to include the contents of subfolders. I then edited the Folder Levels property and added a single entry for Folder Level 3. When you think about a file path, consider each value between the slashes (after the drive letter or or server name) as a path segment. In this case, "BIS" is segment 1. "Import" is segment 2. And the loan number folders are segment 3. By mapping the folder level property to level 3, which is the path segment containing my loan numbers, Grooper will automatically import the contents in a way that maintains a relationship between the loan number and its contents.
After importing the batch using the above settings, my batch now looks like this. As you can see, each level 1 folder in the batch is named with the loan number. And all of the files that pertain to that loan are nested as level 2 documents under that folder.
In order for my extraction to collect the loan number into an index field, I need to setup a Data Field in my Data Model that uses the Default Value Expression: ParentFolder.Name
In order for this to work, Extraction must be performed at Folder Level 2 in my batch.
Matt Harrison
Product Manager