Grooper 21.00.0082 is available as of 12-12-2023! Check the Downloads Discussion for the release notes and to get the latest version.
Grooper 23.00.0044 is available as of 06-20-2024! Check the Downloads Discussion for the release notes and to get the latest version.
Grooper 23.1.0024 is available as of 09-03-2024! Check the Downloads Discussion for the release notes and to get the latest version.
OCR Error: TOCRDoJob2() failed with code 8: Service aborted
Posts: 76 ✭✭✭
I'm OCRing some wide images (of varying sizes/resolutions, but generally about 10x as wide as they are tall) and occasionally get this error. I can usually avoid getting this error by toning down the Iterative Processing, either by lowering the number of OCR iterations or the number of rows/columns under Cell Validation. Does this error translate to a specific issue with the image? We are on 2.72.0005.
'OCR' Error: Error during OCRPage(): OCR Error: TOCRDoJob2() failed with code 8: Service aborted
at Grooper.Activities.FullTextOCR.GetOcrResults(BatchObject CurNode, Boolean DiagMode, IProgressDisplay ipd)
at Grooper.Activities.CharacterExtractActivity.ProcessTask(BatchObject CurNode)
at Grooper.Core.UnattendedTaskProcessor.ProcessTask(UnattendedActivity ua, BatchObject CurNode)
Best Answer
rmccutcheon Posts: 756 ✭✭✭@tgarnett I tested with Transym 4 and got the error. Then tested with Transym 5 and it works without a problem. If you can re-test and let me know
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