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OCR Error: TOCRDoJob2() failed with code 8: Service aborted

tgarnetttgarnett Posts: 76 ✭✭✭
edited January 2019 in The Astronauts (Q&A)
I'm OCRing some wide images (of varying sizes/resolutions, but generally about 10x as wide as they are tall) and occasionally get this error.  I can usually avoid getting this error by toning down the Iterative Processing, either by lowering the number of OCR iterations or the number of rows/columns under Cell Validation.  Does this error translate to a specific issue with the image?  We are on 2.72.0005.

'OCR' Error: Error during OCRPage(): OCR Error: TOCRDoJob2() failed with code 8: Service aborted

   at Grooper.Activities.FullTextOCR.GetOcrResults(BatchObject CurNode, Boolean DiagMode, IProgressDisplay ipd)
   at Grooper.Activities.CharacterExtractActivity.ProcessTask(BatchObject CurNode)
   at Grooper.Core.UnattendedTaskProcessor.ProcessTask(UnattendedActivity ua, BatchObject CurNode)

Best Answer


  • rmccutcheonrmccutcheon Posts: 756 ✭✭✭
    Can you send me in an email what I would need to replicate this, please?
  • GrooperGuruGrooperGuru Posts: 481 admin
    Not really sure what would cause that. There were times early on in the Grooper implementation of Transym 4 where we would get various TOCR error codes. Been quite awhile since I've seen any. One other thing you might try (just out of curiosity more than anything else) is using Transym 5 with similar settings and see how things behave there. I've tried looking at Transym's public documentation and am unable to find anything related to this specific error code.
    Matt Harrison
    Product Manager
  • tgarnetttgarnett Posts: 76 ✭✭✭
    It looks like switching to Transym 5 worked just fine.  Thanks to you both!
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