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RegEx Positive Look Ahead

hjanumhjanum Posts: 110 ✭✭
I was trying to look for three words in random order. Normally this is done with a RegEx Positive Lookahead.

Example: (?=.*\bONE\b)(?=.*\bTWO\b)(?=.*\bTHREE\b)

I tried this in a Grooper extractor, but it did not return any results. Is there a trick to doing this?


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    jlunsfordjlunsford Posts: 138 mod
    Try using Grooper's built in look ahead tool and enter those three as regular regex
    Example: ONE|TWO|THREE

    I've had the most success that way.
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    hjanumhjanum Posts: 110 ✭✭
    Sorry for the delay in the response, got busy on other projects.
    I assume that you mean something along the lines of:

    Unfortunately, this does not have the same semantic meaning.

    The string "ONE ONE ONE" would match, whereas it would not match the positive lookahead extraction.
    I suppose you could do something along the lines of:

    Then add the N! permutations of the expression under a parent extractor. In this case N=3, so there are only 6 permutations. This is probably doable, but if we are looking for five words N=5, then there are 120 permutations.

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