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Issue - trying to grab a legal description with little to no discernible anchors

Grooper Experts,
I'm in desperate need of presenting a demo for a "Right of Way Agreement" to a pipeline representative this week, and I'm not having the best of luck.
The 3 paragraph legal description begins with a potential look ahead pattern of "described as follows, with an underline, a return and a new line, but reads as follows in the OCR:

describedasfcl~w : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<\r><\n>

then it starts my first line of the description:

Parcel -"A" - All tha t certain tra ct of land, si tuate in Cedar Run Disfrict,<\r><\n>

The look behind pattern I should be able to grab is:
"acres 1 rood (sp) and 23 poles.
But reads as follows in the OCR:

acr e s l rood and<\r><\n>
:~g :~ ;~r dentif ic<\r><\n>

I've sent this to Phillip Self, and I am posting here as well.

Thanks in advance.

Darin Tiernan

Best Answer


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