Grooper 21.00.0082 is available as of 12-12-2023! Check the Downloads Discussion for the release notes and to get the latest version.
Grooper 23.00.0044 is available as of 06-20-2024! Check the Downloads Discussion for the release notes and to get the latest version.
Grooper 23.1.0026 is available as of 09-16-2024! Check the Downloads Discussion for the release notes and to get the latest version.
Best Of
Re: Where can I learn more about Multi-Column collation?
In its current implementation, "Multi-Column" is really only designed to work with Two-Column Layouts, plus things that are horizontally centered across the entire page like Page Titles. You can achieve the same thing through a combination of arrays. Essentially finding segments of text, arraying them together vertically, then arraying those results horizontally, then combining all of those result so they go from first page to last. You would then use that data type for a single instance section that will have "re-flowed" the text. BTW, arraying is not a word, even though I typed it multiple times. You should probably not listen to anything I have to say.
Re: Exporting multiple things to the same repository from different repositories.
Kyle, I would advise against this. Compartmentalize these activities.
Re: What is the best way to handle rotated text?
Hello Sir,
Did the improvised IP step to rotate the image to extract these values work well for you here?
Did the improvised IP step to rotate the image to extract these values work well for you here?
Re: How do I import a content model?
Right click on your Grooper Repository in the Node Tree and select Import > Compressed Archive.
Be warned, if you have objects in your repository that "overlap" with the imported data (same name or same guid) then your version will be overwritten by the imported items.
Be warned, if you have objects in your repository that "overlap" with the imported data (same name or same guid) then your version will be overwritten by the imported items.
Re: Can I set an iif condition to "does not equal"?
In VB .NET, the "does not equal" operator is <>. Try "iif(Example <> "G", 0, 1)
Re: Is there a way to use fields from a parent section in a data model to calculate a field.
Setting your calculate expression to: ParentInstance.ParentSection.Fields("IN Product Code").Value
should correct your issue. As we are referencing the field name directly we should be using the exact spelling of the name and should not need to use underscores instead of spaces, also the "N" should be capitalized in the field name as well.
As you can see in the updated screenshots below the Child Section with the underscores does not work but the Child Section 2 without underscores does.
Setting your calculate expression to: ParentInstance.ParentSection.Fields("IN Product Code").Value
should correct your issue. As we are referencing the field name directly we should be using the exact spelling of the name and should not need to use underscores instead of spaces, also the "N" should be capitalized in the field name as well.
As you can see in the updated screenshots below the Child Section with the underscores does not work but the Child Section 2 without underscores does.