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What is the best way to handle rotated text?

kylesouzakylesouza Posts: 156 ✭✭✭
edited October 2020 in The Astronauts (Q&A)
I have a page, that when oriented correctly has some text at a 90deg angle:

I don't want to rotate the whole page because then I can't extract all the other important stuff.

PS - "Vertical Text Extraction" is a suggested tag on here, which may be a thing that this is called (but that could also be characters oriented the normal way but "stacked" on top of each other), but I couldn't find other active/resolved posts with that tag.
Kyle Souza
Data Wizard
P&P Oil & Gas Solutions

Best Answer


  • kylesouzakylesouza Posts: 156 ✭✭✭
    Yes @Philip, thank you.
    Kyle Souza
    Data Wizard
    P&P Oil & Gas Solutions
  • hcoxhcox Posts: 4
    We are also trying to extract vertical data without losing the existing horizontal data. Would you mind sharing how you created the improvised IP step to rotate the image?
    Thank you,

    Heather S. Cox  |  Business Analyst  |  Manley Deas Kochalski LLC

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