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How to split word(.doc) and excel(.xls) documents

We are scanning word and excel documents. How to split and extract these file type documents.
Please help any one this know.

Mounika Potla.


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    tgarnetttgarnett Posts: 76 ✭✭✭
    Hi Mounika,

    What version of Grooper are you using? You can find out by clicking Help > About in the top left corner of Grooper.
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    GrooperGuruGrooperGuru Posts: 481 admin
    Another question, on the excel files, do they contain multiple worksheets or only a single sheet?
    Matt Harrison
    Product Manager
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    mounikapotlamounikapotla Posts: 31
    Hi @tgarnett,
    We are using grooper 2.80.0041 version.

    The excel file contains multiple worksheets.

    Mounika Potla.
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    GrooperGuruGrooperGuru Posts: 481 admin
    In Grooper 2.80.xxxx, you will need to start by running the Render activity on the word and excel files. Then, you can follow that with a Content Action -> Split activity to create individual pages, and a recognize activity to collect the native text from the files. To use Rendering, you will also need to start by installing the Grooper Render Printer on the machine which will perform the Rendering task. The page below on our wiki has information about Rendering and a link to where you can download and install the Render Printer.
    Matt Harrison
    Product Manager
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    mounikapotlamounikapotla Posts: 31
    Hi @GrooperGuru,
    This render activity is only working for .docx documents. Can you please help me to split excel documents.

    Mounika Potla.
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