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For Recognize Error while processing pdf or Excel formates

PrasadchitikelaPrasadchitikela Posts: 23
edited April 2022 in The Astronauts (Q&A)
Hi All
while i am trying to process pdf or excel formates iam getting below error
Recognize' Error: Only one image can be processed at once. Please make sure you dispose of the page once your finished with it.
please help us.
Thanks in Advanced.



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    tgarnetttgarnett Posts: 76 ✭✭✭
    Hi @Prasadchitikela,

    What version of Grooper are you using? You can see your version number by clicking Help -> About in the top left corner.

    And could you share a screenshot of your settings on the Recognize activity?
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    PrasadchitikelaPrasadchitikela Posts: 23
    we are using Grooper version is :2.90.0061
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    PrasadchitikelaPrasadchitikela Posts: 23
    we are using Grooper version is :2.90.0061
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    tgarnetttgarnett Posts: 76 ✭✭✭
    Thank you! Could you also share the settings used at Recognize? See the screenshot below as an example.

    It also looks like you're trying to OCR a well file image, which can be difficult given the size. Some OCR engines will not work on images that long. How tall is that image in pixels?

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    PrasadchitikelaPrasadchitikela Posts: 23
    Hi @tgarnett,

    find below the screenshot about my ocr.
    it working fine but not at all time, some times it not recognize when we run multiple times that time it working well.any solution for this issue please help us.
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    tgarnetttgarnett Posts: 76 ✭✭✭
    How long is the log image you're attempting to run through Recognize? The Tesseract engine should be able to handle longer images in theory, but it will depend a lot on the settings on your OCR profile, the size of the image, and the Image Processing being applied.
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    PrasadchitikelaPrasadchitikela Posts: 23
    Hi @tgarnett
     once see this below screenshot there has settings what i gave 

    while i am running a batch i am getting like this:
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    tgarnetttgarnett Posts: 76 ✭✭✭
    I have been able to reproduce this by running Tesseract OCR on an extremely long image. The first error I receive is "OCR Error: Recognition of image failed." Afterwards, any image that I attempt to OCR throws the error "OCR Error: Only one image can be processed at once. Please make sure you dispose of the page once your finished with it."

    I will forward this to our QA department to get their thoughts. It's very possible that getting OCR data on such a large image is not feasible, however.
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    tgarnetttgarnett Posts: 76 ✭✭✭
    Actually @Prasadchitikela, it looks like the Tesseract engine has a maximum limit of 32767 pixels in either direction. Any image exceeding this number will fail at OCR.
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