Grooper 21.00.0082 is available as of 12-12-2023! Check the  Downloads Discussion  for the release notes and to get the latest version.
Grooper 23.00.0044 is available as of 06-20-2024! Check the Downloads Discussion for the release notes and to get the latest version.
Grooper 23.1.0022 is available as of 07-05-2024! Check the  Downloads Discussion  for the release notes and to get the latest version.

How to check Document name

Hi Everyone,
We are scanning two documents at a time trying to get document names and comparing both document name is equal or not then only document has to scan otherwise ignore the batch.
example: 1st document name is 357-30R_PERF_11262019.01
2nd document name is 357-30R_PERF_11262019 before .01 names are equal in this time both documents have to scan,
how to check document names before the scan level. 
Please help me to achieve this.



  • Options
    klt592klt592 Posts: 9
    Are you importing these documents or physically scanning them in?
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