Grooper 21.00.0082 is available as of 12-12-2023! Check the  Downloads Discussion  for the release notes and to get the latest version.
Grooper 23.00.0044 is available as of 06-20-2024! Check the Downloads Discussion for the release notes and to get the latest version.
Grooper 23.1.0022 is available as of 07-05-2024! Check the  Downloads Discussion  for the release notes and to get the latest version.

Will creating Reports be simplified in Grooper 2.7?

We have several reports that were made for our department cycling through on our overhead TVs.  It would be nice to be able to create our own, but as far as I can tell creating a new report requires quite a bit of custom scripting.

Will this process be simplified at all in 2.7?  It would be nice to have a UI allowing any user to build their own reports out of the fields or graphs they want to display.

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    strotellistrotelli Posts: 42 admin
    Answer ✓
    Grooper 2.7 at this time still uses Microsoft Visual Report Templates.
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