Grooper 21.00.0082 is available as of 12-12-2023! Check the  Downloads Discussion  for the release notes and to get the latest version.
Grooper 23.00.0044 is available as of 06-20-2024! Check the Downloads Discussion for the release notes and to get the latest version.
Grooper 23.1.0024 is available as of 09-03-2024! Check the  Downloads Discussion  for the release notes and to get the latest version.

Question Regarding Generating a Searchable PDF from Grooper and exporting this PDF into Sharepoint

I am trying to run a simple process that does the following:
- Imports large amount of files into Grooper
- Renders each file as pdf
- Creates a searchable pdf from these images
- Exports this searchable pdf into Sharepoint
I have been able to generate searchable pdfs and export these to a file directory(not sharepoint) but when I add the Sharepoint functionality, I get the following error: 

I am not doing any classification or extraction in this scenario, so I feel like this should be fairly straight forward. Please let me know if I need to add more information.

Best Answer

  • tmartintmartin Posts: 82 ✭✭
    Answer ✓
    I am now able to get all pdf's into grooper and exported into Sharepoint as searchable pdf's. I will start another thread for a couple of other issues that I have been having. 
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