Grooper 21.00.0082 is available as of 12-12-2023! Check the  Downloads Discussion  for the release notes and to get the latest version.
Grooper 23.00.0044 is available as of 06-20-2024! Check the Downloads Discussion for the release notes and to get the latest version.
Grooper 23.1.0024 is available as of 09-03-2024! Check the  Downloads Discussion  for the release notes and to get the latest version.

Best Practice: Default vs Calculated Value for Field

I have some calculated fields in my configuration that I calculate based on other field values etc.

In the configuration I can either set the value as default.

... or I can set it as a calculated value.

My question is what is the best practice for Grooper and is there any functional difference between the two.


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